
Me and T. at the goddess statue lake. I had no idea our friend was taking a picture, and I can't remember what was being discussed, but whatever it was, it appears I was not on board with it. Stealth photography never lies.

p.s. T. is not super tall, I'm sitting on a bench.


thatgirlblogs said…
so love this picture. the pigtails! the orange! and I am sorry but he is hunky! perfect pic.
The Bingham's said…
a true picture worth a thousand words. That is hilarious!!
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is so bad, that it is great!!! I think you were mid eye roll.
You both have furrowed brows..that's funny!
Technodoll said…
Now see, those are the very best kinds of photos! Very original and authentic - I love it :)
yrautca said…
Your expression says, kill me now....nice pic though. I think you should have made this post a caption contest. This is a perfect picture for that.
Katie said…
That is one awesome picture. I wish I looked half as cute in candid shots.

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