Chinglish, Taxis, and Rugby: Just Another Week In China

1. Chinglish thing I said on the phone:

"I hope you feel very a lot better." The word for 'very' is frequently used in Chinese articulation. I try to break my students of adding 'very' to everything, but looks like I've caught the 'very' bug. D'oh!

2. This week I jumped into a taxi while it was making a u-turn in the middle of a busy intersection. I could see a bunch of people waiting on the other side of the street for a taxi, so I darted out in traffic and jumped in while it was pausing in the u-turn. The driver didn't even blink. I could hear people on my side of the street saying, "Look at that foreign girl!" I think I now have my PhD in Chinese Taxi Hailing. I wonder how my skills will transfer to NYC taxi hailing?

3. A couple of the Peace Corps guys here play on an expat (mostly British, Australian and American) rugby team. Our team always loses. There aren't a lot of foreigners in Chongqing compared to other large Chinese cities, so I think our team pretty much accepts anyone who wants to play. Yesterday Renee, Kristen and I went to see them play a game against a Beijing team. Spanked! But you know what? Rugby players are kinda cute. So now we are rugby fans. (Note to self: learn what the heck is going on in rugby.)


Busy Bee Suz said…
I have never understood rugby...but those guys are aggressive and crazy!!!!!
Yay for you on the taxi catching!!! You will do well in NYC. :)
Technodoll said…
Yep, rugby = sexy sweaty dirty mens :-D

Taxis scare me. I need to learn from you!
Unknown said…
I very recognize what you're saying :-)
Little Fish said…
Oh come on, I think we all know that if you got a cab like that in NYC, someone would run to the next light you were stopped at, fling the door open and pull you out by the hair! God, I love this city :)
Katie said…
Mmmmm. Rugby players. What is it about them that is so manly? LOVE IT whatever it is. (See they even made me break out into capitals.)
Rugby is so harsh on the body. I dont see why anyone would play it.

Way to go on the taxi~!

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