Flushing, Queens + The Neverending Parade Of Cute

I'm finally recovered from the flu; I'm not sure if the Chinese strain is the same as the U.S. or Canadian strain, but  it sure knocked me out. I'm back to my old self now, though. Hope you all have stayed healthy, and continue to be healthy.

The last few weeks I've been panicking about leaving China. I know the economy back home isn't great and I worry about finding a job. But I also panic because I don't remember anymore how to live without China. How can I go back home and have no more contact with the Chinese language and culture and people? It has been almost my whole life here, how can it vanish into a black hole of nothingness overnight?

One option is to stay here and relocate to very developed and easy-to-live-in Eastern China (Shanghai!) and find a well paying job, which with my qualifications, is probably more possible than in the U.S. right now. The other is to seek out a Chinese community in the States where I can go to Chinese school and shop in Chinese shops and have interaction with Chinese people. I watched a movie here a few months ago about Flushing, Queens, and the large Chinese expat community there. I don't know much about Queens, and I had no idea this large "Chinatown" existed outside of Manhattan. In fact, I'm still not quite sure where Flushing actually is, only that it is in the Northwest part (I think?). (Manhattan is also an option, of course, but more expensive.) I probably won't do this, but the fact I'm thinking about it? It makes me realize how much China has become a part of my life.

And if you saw cute Chinese babies all day long, wouldn't you want to continue being a part of it too?

This baby was having a nap at the grocery store. (She's a rich baby, she's wearing a diaper.) Her mom was so flattered I wanted to take her picture. Really, I wanted to take the baby! (And I say that as someone who is not baby hungry in the least. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm missing that gene). So I settled for a picture. I'm constantly surrounded by The Cute.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I can see this is a problem..you finally got used to all things Chinese and they are not foreign to you any longer. I wonder if the Corps offers a detox program for people like you???
Yes, the babies are delicious. I am not really a baby person either...but that one is looking yummy. Babies sometimes bring out the cannibal in me. I take it back, maybe I am a baby person!
Little Fish said…
I would've stolen that baby!

Have you ever been to a Mets game? Flushing is where the old Shea was and the new Citi Field is now.

If you come back to Manhattan I will go to a tea house with you!
Matt said…
"The United States seeks to encourage more Americans to study in China by launching a new initiative to send 100,000 students to China over the coming four years."

I heard that on the radio and thought about you and "coordinator" :)

Technodoll said…
Awe. All I can say is follow your heart and be congruent in any decision you make.

Nothing is permanent and decisions can always be changed, but you only live once so you have to try! :)

ps: glad to have you back, yaaay!
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