Halloween Fun, Halloween Awkwardness

First the fun:

We had an expat Halloween party at a friend's house with lots of refreshments, glowsticks, cookies and candles, what could be more fun than that? Here's a picture of me in-costume (as old-school Britney Spears, with 'Rambo'):

A few of us crashed at the party site instead of going home that early in the morning. I fell asleep around 4:30 a.m., which wouldn't be a big deal except someone started pipe construction at 6 a.m., right outside the bedroom window. On a Sunday morning, are you kidding me? I hate it when Chinese work ethics collide with my sleep time!

Now the awkward:

Later in the morning, we decided to get Chinese brunch (which here is just 'lunch' early, there are no brunch foods, that's a little joke) but all I had to wear was my Halloween costume. And here's the thing I learned: Halloween costumes are like Cinderella's pumpkin carriage: good for one night only. That getup, which had been so fun only a few hours before, now felt utterly ridiculous. At least the locals learned a little something about Halloween costumes! But that was a long walk home through my campus, I definitely shoulda come home in the dark. I'm not sure if none of my students saw me, or if my students pretended NOT to see me.

Hope you all had a great Halloween!


Busy Bee Suz said…
You are so funny. I think you looked adorable!!! Glad the party was fun.
Little Fish said…
Love it. My friend and I saw like 4 different guys dressed as Where Is Waldo on Saturday night, then on Sunday afternoon I get a text from my friend saying, "I just saw a guy walking down the street holding a Where Is Waldo costume in his hand and looking very satisfied."
Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, no YOU are! :)

Little Fish, a very satisfied former Waldo the day after Halloween is perhaps the best image I've had in ages. I didn't realize Waldo was still so popular?? 4 in one night, that's funny!
yrautca said…
Thats a very nice pic of you!
Scarlet said…
How funny!!! I love that you were old-school Brittney for two days in China. :)

Sounds like you had a fun Halloween night...crashing at the party site at 4:30 a.m. Wow! I don't think I've ever done that.
Rebecca Foster said…
Thank you, ytrauca!

Well Scarlett, China is about 30 years behind in pop culture, so I'm actually fashion-forward as Britney. Also, Chongqing girls all dress like her anyway, I probably didn't need to worry about it at all.

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