Two Chinese Products I Don't Want To Live Without

Packaged dry beauty face masks (Hello Kitty, of course!):

I also bought green tea powder, which I mix with about a 1/4 cup of hot water. The mask expands and soaks up green tea solution, and I wear it for about 1/2 an hour. Green tea is great, it makes my skin look very clear and even. It costs about $2.00 for 12 masks and a box of green tea powder, super cheap! *sniff* I will miss you dry masks when I leave China. I also make masks with really cheap red wine (heated), which has high levels of acid. Also great for the skin, like a little mini acid facial at a spa.

My electric hand/body warmer:

It comes pre-filled with some kind of fluid, plugs into an outlet, heats up in five minutes, and stays warm for two hours. Did you know I don't have heat? I live below the 'heat line' the Chinese government drew across China; people above the line get indoor heat, people below it don't. It doesn't freeze here, which is why we don't get heat, but it does get down to 35F/1C, which is pretty darn cold. We wear coats at all times. And girls carry these electric hand warmers. I also have an electric heating pad under my sheets and heat lamps in my bathroom. I have a heater fan that doesn't keep the room warm, but does at least take the edge off the cold. I basically live with this electric warmer all winter, and I'll invest in a transformer to use it back in the U.S.  (I can't find anything like it on Amazon, which means it doesn't exist in America.) I love it.

My suitcase is going to be full of little dry masks!


Jenn-n-n said…
Ooooohhhh I'd like some of those dry masks!! They sound devine!
myself said…
my former colleague brought me some of those masks back from China when she went to visit her parents....and they were amazing. And we really don't have that sort of thing in North America. Damn.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love the masks. So cool...and even cooler if they are Hello Kitty.
I had no idea you had NO heat. Gosh, I wish I had sent you some warmth in the mail!!!
Little Fish said…
I love that people in China seem to put random animation on everything and anything.
The Bingham's said…
Just think of how much money you could make with a full suitcase full of those masks?? I would just buy a new bag just to bring those back here. Open a green tea skin salon and become a millionaire. Just remember who your family members are ;)
Technodoll said…
I never knew such things existed - how cool!! and i love that they're so cheap, although imported here they'd be completely expensive :-/

LOL capitalism!

as for the heat thing... BRRR! how can people draw a line like that? wth? and why can't people install baseboard heaters in their home?

I don't get it. Is it illegal? :-o
Wow - both seem really cool and useful! I didnt know you didnt have heat or that there was a 'heat line'. How ever will you manage once you move back to the states?
Ileana said…
I get cold a lot and that hand/body warmer sounds awesome! I can't believe you don't have heat. When it gets in the 40s here in Miami we're FREEZING!!

Stay warm!!
Stephanie said…
Wow! I am such a warm weather person I don't know if I could stand the chill!
Katie said…
Oh. I want those masks and the heaters so bad. Gah. I think I could take shopping trip around the world.

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