Flu, Part II

Somehow this flu is still kicking my trash. A new virus (probably not) or a resurgence (more likely), I'm not sure. In any case, I'm way behind on my correspondence, but I can't bring myself to do very much but sleep. I did find out the person I crashed with on Halloween also has the flu; I guess it wasn't the goats after all. In the words of my little brother, "Ew, outbreak monkey!" And with that, this outbreak monkey is going back to bed.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I hope you recover soon...sleeping is the best thing you can do though.
I will remember the: 'outbreak monkey' phrase...your family is a hoot.
Marianne said…
So sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better really soon.
Stephanie said…
Ohhh. Feel better soon!
Vitamin C my friend!
Little Fish said…
Ugh! Feel better soon.
Ileana said…
Outbreak Monkey...sounds like something my family would come up with! LOL

Get all the rest you need, Chica, and feel better soon!
Matt said…
H1N1 is almost exclusively what's circulating around here.

I most likely had back in May (early adopter!). Yeah, it kicks your butt.

Wasn't the sickest I've been, probably just barely made the top 10. But it was memorable!
Ileana said…
Poor monkey! :(

Pamper yourself and feel better soon, Chica!
Ugh, I am sorry you are sick girlie. I have been away from blog reading for a while and I am sad you are struggling to get well.

I do hope you feel better soon! Keep us all posted!
Katie said…
Oh no! Get better soon. Lots of fluids and sleep.

Let us know how you're doing!

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