My First Video Chat: Chinese Snacks

Here is the video I talked about yesterday. I forgot to mention, yogurt is popular here, but not cheese. I'm not sure why one kind of dairy but not the other is so popular.

I hope you enjoy it.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I see a future in you as a professional vlogger.
This was so cute and informative.
The tofu looks very suspicious to me.
I would have so many issues there...finding foods that I can eat. Or will try.
You are adventurous!!!
Great job!!!
Marianne said…
That was fun to watch. I think I would probably try the cereal bar thing, the bread w/ cinnamon, and the yogurt, but all the other things scare me!

I remember that when you first went to China that you were hungry a lot. Has that changed? Now that you know about more foods and how much they cost has it been easier to find things to keep you full?
yrautca said…
Nice video. You girls (Ily the other one) are talented. But I would have directed it a little differently. Like for example, you should have broken into cheerleader dance complete with pom poms every couple minutes. Or you could have eaten every single item, almost passed out at the end.
Ileana said…
You took is into your world for a few minutes...and I LOVED IT, CHICA! Nice job!!

I want to try everything you've shown us, especially the yogurt with the cover/straw. That's perfect! I like the spicy stuff (but it doesn't like me), so I'd probably enjoy that convenient soup as well.

Am I the only one who wants to see more videos?? Let me know when you take requests! Btw, I have a great idea...remind me to blog about it next time!
Anonymous said…
mmmmm nice food
Anonymous said…
adventures in china do you know technodoll i do i am her step daughter i have skype it is charlotte 24799 have you met technodoll she lives in canada with my dad i love her dogs! add me on skype i live in englaned so we can talk then
Stephanie said…
Okay, you were AWESOME!
Not only did I watch your Vlog, so did my 8 year old daughter.
We both kind of did the lip curl at yogurt with a straw, but I see how you could get used to it.

Thanks so much for sharing, and teaching!
Rebecca said…
Aww, it's our amazing R-Fos! Awesome presentation, after the manner of newsanchordom!
Lauren T. said…
Yay, thank you for sharing! I love snacks. :)
Technodoll said…
You're so lovely! Poised, great speaking voice, organized, cool content - looking forward to many more vlogs!!

Now I understand why the chinese are so thin. Those aren't snacks, they're meals! LOL! Where are the chips, chocolate bars, fried donuts, candies and other delights?

Rebex said…
For some reason, all I see is an empty block here. Lame. From the comments, though, it looks like it was fabulous. I'm not surprised. I would expect nothing less from you. Love ya!

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