The Writer’s Club

A few weeks ago, we joked that we should have a Chongqing PCV Writer’s Club, in which we’d write bad/cheesy romance pieces, then read them out loud to each other a la open mic beat poetry night. Did I mention it has been raining FOREVER in Chongqing? It’s making us all a little crazy.

So last week in our downtown Starbucks, the Writer’s Club* had their first meeting. (I should mention, Starbucks here are almost like libraries, with sectioned-off rooms, long tables with study lamps for laptops, super comfy couches and lounge chairs, and all the free wi-fi you can handle. You can basically hang out there all day and no one blinks an eye. Also, they make all their specialty coffee drinks in non-coffee versions, which is great. I wish they did this in the U.S. They do this because many Chinese don’t like the taste of coffee. So, a caramel frappuccino will have whole milk instead of coffee, along with the caramel flavorings etc. They also have more teas on the menu here.) We each spent about an hour hunched over notebooks, then read our pieces out loud. Let me tell you, I don’t know when I have laughed so hard in all the time I’ve been in China.

Some were beautifully poetic, some were limericks that an elementary school kid would love to recite, some were hilarious narrative pieces. But the best part to me? Reading them aloud in a Chinese Starbucks, counting on the fact no one nearby spoke fluent-enough English to know what the heck we were talking about.

Language geek sidenote: it’s eye-opening the cultural knowledge it takes to write and understand parody. If any Chinese English speakers HAD been listening, it’s unlikely they would have found it 1/10 as amusing as we did.

I was quite impressed with the writing skills of my fellow PCVers. Can’t wait for our next meeting! I have half a mind to gather and self-publish our pieces as a keepsake for us to take home. For the record, I did a Twilight/Ninja Assassin-themed parody I couldn’t stop laughing through as I read out loud. I won't share the whole thing here, but I will say that one of the lines was, "Need an umbrella, baby? Or do you want more Rain?" ('Rain' of course being the cute Korean star of Ninja Assassin. Now you know why I couldn't stop laughing!)

And yes, when you’re a poor American living in China, this is the sort of thing you find very entertaining. I know you all envy my glamorous life!

*We actually gave it another name, but this is a public blog, so I’m calling it this publicly.


Busy Bee Suz said…
This sounds like so much fun. You guys are so clever and fun to come up with things like and enjoyable entertainment!!!

I wonder, what is a coffee drink with no coffee???
Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh, and you should at least share YOUR parody with us. :0
Mandy said…
I think thats great!! Its so important to surround yourself with people with whom you can have a fun time with like that. It gives you a sense of belonging and lets face it, its just plain fun. =)
Technodoll said…
aaaaaaaa hey it's for all kinds of people! cafe sitting with friends, cup sipping, writing, reading, no rythmetic.. just a good time! sounds like super fun to me :)
Sounds fun to me! Love your blog...Its so great that you are documenting and writing about your adventures! for some reason I couldn't open the videos on my computer. darn.
yrautca said…
Those Starbucks sound intresting. I had to re-read that sentence cuz I couldnt believe at first they had Sbux in China. I would love to hang out at one of those.
mjfoster77 said…
That is awesome! I agree with Busy Bee Suz, you should share yours! Sounds hilarious.
Stephanie said…
Sounds like a great way to spend a rainy afternoon! You must have made some fabulous friends over there.
Ileana said…
Funny, how you end this post with the words "glamorous life." I just wrote those words above in my comment on your latest post.

Wish I could start a writers club. I just don't know anyone who'd want to participate.

Have fun!

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