T Minus 100 (But Who’s Counting?)

Well folks, I now have fewer than 100 days left in my Peace Corps service. Part of me is like FINALLY SOON I CAN EAT TORTILLAS EVERY DAY I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD COME HOORAY, part of me is really going to miss the chaos and food and people here, and another part is wondering how I’m going to function again with ongoing daily life in America? Have I forgotten, or is it just dormant? I’m sure it’ll all come rushing back to me, but still, I’m worried. (Ah, anxiety. You are giving me lots of chances to prove how far I’ve come.)

In the meantime, I’ve been swamped with projects, some more important than others. I finished my wiki entry on body image in China. We had another Writer’s Club meeting. And this week I also designed commemorative t-shirt possibilities for the volunteer group being released from service this summer. They are not for sale, they are just fun for us to wear at our Close of Service conference. Here is one of my designs, a play on the famous Bruce Lee movie The Way of the Dragon:

The Way Of The Volunteer

I have more, but there might be some copyright stuff if I post them here, so I won’t. But, I will post a picture of the final shirt we choose!

This Saturday I’m throwing a Fiesta party at my house, to commemorate Fiesta in San Antonio. This is a huge 10 day event in San Antonio, and it’s going on now, and it makes me homesick I’m not there, so the party is a way for me to celebrate from afar. I’ll be making breakfast tacos, salsa and baked treats for my nearest and dearest. Looking forward to it.

Next week I will be in Chengdu for our Close of Service conference, where they tell us how we wrap up our service, finish paperwork, and leave the country officially. At the conference I have to take my final language exam, so I’m busy preparing for that. After the conference, I’ll be staying in Chengdu for the weekend with some friends for Zebra Music Fest. I am really excited about this! Almost like being back at the Austin City Limits Music Fest, but about 50 degrees cooler. And, you know, in Chinese.

My next week and a half will be quite busy, but I’ll try to post updates of these adventures as I can.


yrautca said…
Wow. Time flew by. It did. reading your blog was like embarking on a journey. I almost feel like I will miss China, or reading about it. What a splendid job you have done with your blog here - so engaging, so unpretensious. You portrayed a great picture for your readers.

I will miss you in China.

I hope the next chapter is as good.
mjfoster77 said…
Zebra fest sounds like a lot fun! (ha ha pun not intended.) Anyway, I'm sad for what you'll miss, but happy for us that you'll be closer to home. Do yourself a favor and stop counting the days. Just make the most of everyday from here on out... you have a talent for that!
Mandy said…
Wow, I honestly can't imagine what it would feel like to know that in such a short time you'll be heading back to the States. I think the best part is that you'll be bringing back so much with you. So even though you'll be settling back into life here, it won't be the same as before, it can't be. You can't just unlearn everything you've leaerned in your time with the peace corps. I can't wait to see how the future unfolds for you!
Busy Bee Suz said…
YOu my friend, have a lot going on as well.
Like the T-shirt idea, you are very creative.
Loving all the festivals too, they sound delicious. :)
100 day countdown? I see this will be trying for you...and those that you have touched in China are going to miss the lovely you.
Have fun with all your goings on.
Technodoll said…
How fast did two years fly by.. Holy heck :-o

Riding a bike, picking up life where you left it in the states... same difference I'll bet. Only the food might be tastier in some bits, blander in others.

GOOD LUCK on your exam! you'll rock it, for sure!!

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