Shallow Post of the Week: Rain and His Case of Abs

So our weekend dinner party was a lot fun. The food was delicious, the conversation witty and entertaining, and we capped the night off with a little Rain. Rain in Ninja Assassin, that is.


Let me tell you, this movie is bloody. So bloody it’s not even really gory, just super bloody. CGI bloody. Non-scary, cartoonish bloody. And the plot? I didn’t really understand all of it, but here’s a summary: Rain plays an orphan raised to be a ninja assassin. He is estranged from his clan. The clans are hired by world governments to carry out political assassinations. Why the clan cares Rain left them, I don’t know. But they do. And Europol wants to question him. (Is that real thing? Or an Interpol knock-off? I’m too lazy to Google that right now.) So Rain gets kidnapped by Europol and then by his clan. Along the way a ton of people die. BUT, we also get this montage of Rain practicing his ninja skills in his barren apartment. The push-ups-on-nails scene alone was enough for me to declare this Best Movie About Ninjas Featuring A Korean Popstar Ever! (And yes, that is Rain, not a stunt double.)

This is not just a six-pack of abs, my friends. This is a full 24-count case. Click this link for the video. Enjoy.

(Can’t embed the video, it’s a long story. But click! It’s worth it!)

Btw, Rain became very famous after playing the lead in a Korean television romance called Full House. If you want to see a fan video summary, click here. He looks a little ‘softer’ than in Ninja Assassin.

In other news, I have had a sinus headache for the past two days. I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed with a hot washcloth on my face, trying to clear out my sinuses. Not working. But as soon as I feel better, I’m preparing a vlog for you on Chinese treats. Another writer I read, Ily, tagged me to do it. She is an awesome writer, artist and person. 


Busy Bee Suz said…
Your weekend sounds like a success.
Um, yeah, he is a real ninja. Real ninja abs. yowza.

I hope you feel better. Do you think a nettie pot would help?

Can't wait for the vlog!!!
Ileana said…
Looking good, indeed! I'd love to salsa dance with that guy! ;)

PS - Yay! I'm so happy you'll be vlogging soon!! :)
yrautca said…
The goriest movie I have seen s Japanese flick we saw in Vegas (of all places) called Tokyo Gore Police. I will never get back those 2 hours of my life.
Marianne said…
Yes, the abs are nice but I have to be honest...I was a little disturbed by the absence of armpit hair. I know this is weird of me.
Technodoll said…
Ohhhn dear lord headaches suck! Do you have access to pain meds or is the washcloth all you have?

Get better!!
Mandy said…
Hope you're feeling better and I can't wait to watch your chinese treats video! (I have to do it at home though and not work.Boo).

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