Vaginas, Hearts, Pandas, and Romeo and Juliet

First of all, several of you said the way phone numbers are exchanged in China is how they are also exchanged where you live. I didn’t know this. A good reason to not get a cell phone when I return, I don’t like it!

Second, I can’t see any blogs because my connection isn’t working correctly, so I am way behind in my reading. Sorry about this!

Now, for the actual post. 

Vagina: these advertisements for a local women’s hospital are plastered all over our subway stations recently. Doesn’t their logo look just like a vagina? China is pretty wholesome in their advertising, so this caught my eye. I enjoyed pointing it out to my male friends here, who now feel like perverts for staring at the logo when they are in the subway station. I do what I can.


Heart: I was in a bakery that had some western style brownies. The guy behind the counter spoke some English, and when I went up to the counter he said, “Do you want a brownie?” I nodded, and he said, “I know your heart.” It was so cute. I love how the Chinese translate into English like this, they say the most poetic things. And yes, he did know my heart. I loved that brownie all the way home.

Panda: How cute is this little shaver’s outfit? I love the baby panda backpacks here, so cute! And she wouldn’t turn around again while I had my camera out, but she’s also holding a stuffed monkey. She was adorable.


Romeo and Juliet: V. and I were taking a taxi home from an unfamiliar part of our city, and we knew we’d have to cross a certain bridge to get back, but didn’t know whose neighborhood was first after crossing the bridge. (We live about 3 kilometers apart.) So we got off the bridge, and there were two signs directly in front of us: one for each of our neighborhoods, pointing in opposite directions. At the same time both of us blurted out, “We’re Romeo and Juliet!” And then cracked up, and I’m sure our taxi driver thought we were weirdos, but it was just too funny. I want to go back and take our picture at that junction, throwing down some gang signs or something. Don’t tell our parents!


Busy Bee Suz said…
Yes, that advertising is subliminal. Perverts. :0

Brownies are always good...and I love knowing someone's heart as well.

Pandas are yummy.

You and V? Silly and brilliant!!!
Mandy said…
I'm pretty sure a man behind the counter of a bakery telling me he knows my heart would make me swoon.

And the picture at the junction throwing up gang signs, would be awesome.
Stephanie said…
I think I would have fallen head over heals for a man giving me a brownie telling me he knows my heart :)
Ileana said…
I'm with ModernMom. What a sweet comment. I will definitely use that one here in Miami!

Btw, the ad does look like a va-jay-jay! lol
Technodoll said…
Oh m'gosh that is just too precious! Brownies = chocolate for the heart... yeeessss!

You guys are romantics.

*hearts this post*
Pretty darn sneaky huh?

Love your blogs posts...its like a vacation to read...
yrautca said…
You are a pervert with a taxi cab fetish. Just saying ;)
Tracey Axnick said…
"I know your heart"... how cute is that? And that, INDEED, is a man who does know a woman's heart. :)

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