Puking, Falling, Toothbrushing

Last night I got a bad case of vertigo, which brought on some serious nausea, which meant tossing my cookies in a little garbage can next to the couch. Have you ever had vertigo? It's a beast. And I hate throwing up. I'm a groaner, moaner thrower-upper. It's just not normal for your insides to want to become your outsides, you know? I was with T., so he had the fun job of watching me puke (and helping me out). Friends who help friends when they puke are real friends. Then, this afternoon I was walking down a road under construction in a long skirt when I tripped on the uneven ground and fell out of my 3-inch heeled sandal, but couldn't get my legs far enough apart to stabilize myself because of the long skirt. Bags in each hand, I crashed to the ground in a totally clumsy and ungracious fall. A bunch of construction workers saw me, but no one came to help me. I scrambled to get out of the road so I didn't get hit by the big dump truck coming up behind me. On top o...