Puking, Falling, Toothbrushing

Last night I got a bad case of vertigo, which brought on some serious nausea, which meant tossing my cookies in a little garbage can next to the couch. Have you ever had vertigo? It's a beast. And I hate throwing up. I'm a groaner, moaner thrower-upper. It's just not normal for your insides to want to become your outsides, you know? I was with T., so he had the fun job of watching me puke (and helping me out). Friends who help friends when they puke are real friends.

Then, this afternoon I was walking down a road under construction in a long skirt when I tripped on the uneven ground and fell out of my 3-inch heeled sandal, but couldn't get my legs far enough apart to stabilize myself because of the long skirt. Bags in each hand, I crashed to the ground in a totally clumsy and ungracious fall. A bunch of construction workers saw me, but no one came to help me. I scrambled to get out of the road so I didn't get hit by the big dump truck coming up behind me. On top of my ruined sense of pride, I sprained my ankle. Maybe high heels are not so practical for the uneven pavement and dirt roads of China. Or, long skirts are a bad idea. One of the two.

This is a picture of an anonymous man's sink:

There are six toothbrushes in this picture (including an electric one and travel one that are hard to see). In case you were wondering why anyone has six toothbrushes at one time around their sink, he did have a good explanation, but I thought it was pretty funny nonetheless. If I ever need a toothbrush, I know where to go.


Busy Bee Suz said…
And to think that I am a freak about dental hygiene. ;)

I feel for you, falling down like that. You are lucky it is only a sprain. I hope you heal quickly...I wonder if those construction workers were saying: "Oh, those silly foreigners"

I had a 4 month run with vertigo. Came out of the blue one day and was horrid.

Your week sounds a bit on the bad side, I hope it gets better!!!
mjfoster77 said…
That really sucks! I'm sorry! It's a good thing I wasn't there - Happy Bunny and I have a lot in common, specifically, we "like to watch people trip!"

Hope you have a better day and take care of your ankle!!
Technodoll said…
All I see around that sink is used dental floss! YARK!! Gross! :-o

(that would be cause for divorce around here, LOL)

I hope you're not too bruised, besides the sprained ankle... :( Have you got an ice pack and those elastic bandages? So sucky! And nobody moved to help you?? Bleddy hell - Time to go home... (( hugs ))
Stephanie said…
I've had a run in with vertigo...where I ran into furniture and walls. Not fun!

I do hope you are feeling better now.

Oh and that man sink. I'd love to hear that explanation! Seriously 6 toothbrushes? Player?
Hope you're feeling better! I can't believe you're coming home so soon. You have a wonderful blog to remember your adventures! Thanks for all your sweet comments you leave :)
Ileana said…
I can't believe none of the workers helped you when you fell. What's wrong with them??

I felt dizzy all Monday and part of Tuesday (due to a virus) and I hated having to hold onto the walls to get to the bathroom! It was awful!
Tracey Axnick said…
Vertigo sucks.... I've dealt with it on 2 separate occasions. The scary thing is my doc couldn't tell me what caused it (despite doing tests, etc... at least they ruled out anything serious). You just have to deal with it until it passes.

I'm glad you didn't break your ankle. Can't believe not ONE person came to help you! That is the difference (one of them, anyway) between Chinese culture and American culture.... how very odd, not to help someone who has fallen and needs assistance... I just don't get it. :(

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