My Stripper Days, Plus Dancing Bebe(s)

So, true story: when I was around 7-8 years old I thought stripping was the best thing ever. I wanted to be a stripper when I grew up, and I used to put on my dad's soundtrack to The Sting, crank up Hooker's Hooker, put on all the clean clothes from the laundry room and play stripper for hours in the living room. (I always stopped at my own clothes! I only took off the extra laundry!) My parents, being the laid-back parents they are, didn't freak out or chasten me for playing stripper. In fact, I don't remember them ever saying anything to me about it, ever. And one day, I just stopped thinking I wanted to be a stripper. Please note that at age 8, I had only a marginal idea of what strippers actually did; I thought it was just wearing pretty clothes and dancing, two things I still think are pretty awesome.

As an adult, I asked my dad why he never told me to stop playing stripper or to stop saying that when I grew up, I wanted to be a stripper. And my dad told me, "I knew you'd grow up and realize there was more to you than that."

I was a dancer from the time I was could walk. I try to tell people, it's in the gene pool; Latin babies just know how to dance. (For those that don't know, my mom is Chilean. And she was a Chilean pop star when she was a teenager. I should write about that sometime.) And here is proof:

If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth a watch; this kid is something else!


Little Fish said…
Ya know, it's never too late to follow your dreams! :-)

Yes, we are going to need to hear about your mom being a Chilean pop star.
Busy Bee Suz said…
You are so funny...I imagine your family had a lot of laughs over this stripping business.
When I was around 13 I told my mom that when I grew up I was going to wear high heels, red lipstick and smoke cigarettes. :0
I do none of the above. :)

I agree that some people are just born with rythm. Lucky you. That baby has it going on!!!!
Marianne said…
Ha Ha! That diaper is holding on for dear life!
Ileana said…
That baby is hilarious!! lol

You're funny...wanting to be a stripper. I had similar desires...after watching a couple of R rated movies in my basement when I was a kid. lol I should write about that!
Technodoll said…
All I could think of while watching that video was the poop sliding around in that diaper! LOL!

OK, I'm an idiot. Sorry.

Your dad was a very wise man :)
yrautca said…
Ha! I didnt even know the word stripper at that age. But sounds like your dad was a wise man.
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