Klutz, Butts, Nuts

Have I ever told you I am a klutz? I am. A big one. Here is a hematoma I acquired on the train ride home last weekend. When Andrew saw it, he said, "How on earth were you walking that you hit THAT part of your arm?" Good question! But I was holding a heavy bag in one hand getting on the train, so my arm was akimbo. It doesn't hurt so much today, and is a lovely green-ish purple.

I have a theory I should have been taller or shorter because I seem to not have internalized how long my arms, legs and head are. I hit them on everything. The other day I hit my head on the street phone booth while climbing out of a taxi in the rain.


Speaking of proportions, I was talking with R. this week about butts. Specifically, how ours have changed thanks to climbing literally flights and flights of stairs and hilly streets everyday for the past two years. The LAST thing I needed was a rounder butt, but here I am. (Muscle, not fat, but still?) I heard that if you have a round butt, you shouldn't work out on stairs or inclines; that's for flat butt girls. I live in the wrong city for my body type. Also, for my lungs. I shouldn't be embarrassed about my butt, but I am. Mostly because it's hard to find pants that fit. Hence, I wear a lot of skirts.


Did you know Chinese-produced pine nuts can change the taste of all your foods? I recently came across this article. Interesting. We often joke about needing heavy-metal detox after living here, but honestly, I don't think it's such a bad idea. I wonder how much lead, mercury and other assorted metals are swimming around in my bloodstream.


Stephanie said…
That bruise is quite scary! (oh and I too am a klutz..the tripping on my own feet, falling over a footstool kinda klutz, I've had to learn to embrace it!)
Mandy said…
That bruise looks like it would be incredibly painful. As a fellow klutz, I can sympathize. I have a killer bruise on one of my thighs that I have no recollection of getting. (I'm a completely klutz when I'm sober, even worse when I've been drinking.)
Busy Bee Suz said…
The pine nut deal is crazy...I think my water now tastes like metal. !!!!!!
I think you are so funny....you are a klutz, but so are most of us.
I continually run into the counter tops...we have had them for 13 years. I also feel like I don't know my size either...like I am shorter than I am???

I need to move to China. You need to move to Flat Florida. :)
Technodoll said…
Ouch! Girl! That looks painful :-o

Glad it wasn't your nose, teehee!

Very interesting read about the pine nuts... yeah, you'll need a detox of sorts when you get home. btw love your new blog layout :0

ps: how many days left??
Tracey Axnick said…
I would love a rounder butt. :)

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