My Buddhist Scroll and Other Weekend Pics

In the past I've only purchased souvenirs for friends and family, so this weekend I splurged a bit and bought something for myself. I need something to remember China by, right? I found this beautiful Buddhist icon fabric wall scroll, and I couldn't resist. I'm so happy to have this to bring home with me. It's just perfect for me.

Just for comparison's sake, this scroll cost the equivalent of $40 USD. I have no idea what something like this would cost in America, but I am guessing more than $40. This scroll and really good oolong tea will be my two splurges to bring back with me to America.

J. came down for the weekend, so we had a little get together last night with friends. Bugles on the fingertips never stops being funny, right? (My hand-- I'm silly, I know.)

And here is what we had for lunch yesterday, a Uyghur dish called Chao Mian Pian 炒面片. It's a tomato based spicy sauce, with freshly made noodles, tomato, green pepper, onion, cabbage and beef chunks. Soooo delicious. (It doesn't taste like Italian food at all, the spices are different.) I had no idea Uyghur food existed before I came to China, but it is now some of my favorite Chinese food. I gotta find a Uyghur restaurant in America, I can't go a lifetime without it! (Uyghurs are a Turk ethnic group in China, and many are from XinJiang province in Northwestern China. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon desert scenes were filmed in XinJiang. It's beautiful up there.)


Busy Bee Suz said…
The scroll is gorgeous!!! But I have a feeling you would not even need that to remember your time in China.
Bugles belong on fingertips. enough said.
Ileana said…
That dish looks yummy...and your yellow fingernails look hilarious! :)

The that's beautiful!! Enjoy every last moment of your stay!
yrautca said…
fun times. never a dull moment on your blog.
mjfoster77 said…
Bugles on fingers are funny! The only thing that makes Bugles better is squeezy cheese!!
That scroll is amazing! I'm glad you bought it, you will love it forever!!
Mandy said…
The scroll is beautiful. I'm so glad that you splurged on something for yourself, I fully support that decision! That food looks and sounds delicious.

You're absolutely right, Bugles on the fingers never stops being funny.
Technodoll said…
Hunger. You gives it to me.

*wipes drool off chin*

I wonder if buddha ever at bugles? cuz they're that good, you know. We used to fill them with "cheese from a can" back in the '70's, ha ha!

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