Ears Etc.
I have a bit of an ear/neck fetish. Ears are very sensitive, no? (That why we poke holes in them, I suppose.) A man who is a good ear kisser is permanently on the "I'll Always Remember You" list. (I love putting people on lists; it makes my life a lot more organized!) That particular list is short, but it's a good one.
I prefer sleeping with my ears covered; grandma came to check on me one night and saw me on my side with the blankets covering my ear. She got such a kick out of that because she needs to have her ears covered when she sleeps, too. She bought me a silk pillowcase so I could sleep with silk over my ears, what a grandma! I'll often wake up in the morning with my arms and hands curled up around my head, the backs of my hands covering my ears. I have a hard time sleeping with other people in my bed because I want the blankets over my ears. I don't know why, but it's comforting to have my ears covered. Hey, at least it's not my nose!
I'd never heard of the Enneagram before R. showed us a book about it. Just for fun, we took the test online. I came out a 4. Personality tests are interesting to me only as they relate to other personalities. That is, I care less what I'm like and more how my interactions are affected by different personality combinations. (Using the Enneagram categories, I repeatedly have relationships with types like 7's and 9's. There must be something familiar or comfortable about them. Types like 8 make me flee.) It was interesting to me to read these descriptions because I did see a lot of familiarity in how they described my interactions. We sometimes had a lot of free time on our hands in China, obviously!
Other E things I love:
Sunnyside-up eggs
Echo & The Bunnymen Lips Like Sugar
I prefer sleeping with my ears covered; grandma came to check on me one night and saw me on my side with the blankets covering my ear. She got such a kick out of that because she needs to have her ears covered when she sleeps, too. She bought me a silk pillowcase so I could sleep with silk over my ears, what a grandma! I'll often wake up in the morning with my arms and hands curled up around my head, the backs of my hands covering my ears. I have a hard time sleeping with other people in my bed because I want the blankets over my ears. I don't know why, but it's comforting to have my ears covered. Hey, at least it's not my nose!
I'd never heard of the Enneagram before R. showed us a book about it. Just for fun, we took the test online. I came out a 4. Personality tests are interesting to me only as they relate to other personalities. That is, I care less what I'm like and more how my interactions are affected by different personality combinations. (Using the Enneagram categories, I repeatedly have relationships with types like 7's and 9's. There must be something familiar or comfortable about them. Types like 8 make me flee.) It was interesting to me to read these descriptions because I did see a lot of familiarity in how they described my interactions. We sometimes had a lot of free time on our hands in China, obviously!
Other E things I love:
Sunnyside-up eggs
Echo & The Bunnymen Lips Like Sugar
I have to have at least ONE foot covered at all times while sleeping, but that is normal.
You are so funny about your lists...LOL at the 'short list.'
Love personality tests, but depending on my mood or day, I could be just about any of them!!!!
Be happy it's just your ears :-D
I think it's funny that you have to have your ears covered...but I'm totally with you on the neck thing. It's one of my favorite places to be kissed!
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специализируется на предоставлении услуг по охране объектов - промышленных предприятий, загородных домов, коттеджей, офисов, аптек, складов, жилых и нежилых помещений, банков, пунктов обмена валюты, игровых заведений, дискотек, ресторанов, отелей и т.д.) Охрана объектов представляет собой комплекс мероприятий,
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- Консультирование и подготовка рекомендаций клиентам по вопросам правомерной защиты от противоправных посягательств.
- Обеспечение порядка в местах проведения массовых мероприятий в пределах Российской Федерации.
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