Gyllenhaal, Google, Guys You Never Forget
Swear on the bible, earlier this week I saw a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal in internet-passing and thought, "I bet there's a good chance if he met me, he'd ask me out." This means one of three things:
1. My self-esteem is waaay out of control
2. I'm delusional
3. I'm delusional
I don't ever think this about famous people, but you know what? I bet if I met Jake Gyllenhaal in person, he'd want to ask me out. He looks like a bunch of guys I went to college with, and they seemed to like me just fine. It could happen! Hehehe.
I've accepted that Google pretty much owns me; gchat, Google voice, gmail-- everything they do, I love. Except Buzz. That sucked. But everything else is great. I actually get disappointed when I have friends who use yahoo and hotmail because then we can't gchat. Which brings me to my second point:
I've noticed lately that men kinda dislike email. One guy I know, he'll always answer my emails, but he'll never initiate them. He only initiates gchat/text/skype/ telephone for keeping in touch. Which sort of makes me laugh at myself, because I just keep emailing! I'm sure he's like, "Woman! Dead Technology! Move on!" Okay, not dead, but you know how the kids are these days: email is starting to be a little old school, no? Anyway, I've noticed this is more of a guy thing, but maybe it's just the guy(s) I know.
Speaking of guys, I can count on one hand the unforgettable ones, but boy, they sure do make themselves remembered. I really want to write a humorous book called 'Passion From Across The Room: True Tales of Thwarted Love' (but by love, I really mean crushes, so I gotta think of a better word). I'd change the names, but if YOU were the guy in the book, would you want to know? Would it suit your ego to know you broke a girl's heart? I'd be tempted to mail them a copy, just so they know: "You were unforgettable." The latest one is from 2008, and it's been two years since I've seen him, and I still think of him all the time. So maybe it's time to write the book.
I'm heading out of town for the weekend with some friends, see you all next week!
I laughed out loud at your Jake Jake Gyllenhaal bit. And NOT because I thought you were was just so cute.
I have a feeling he WOULD be into you. You are so cute and funny and very intelligent. What else could he ask for?
(Is he really dating Taylor Swift? ewww...she is so young)
The coach and I email all the is not old for us. But then again, we are older. :)
>of a guy thing, but maybe it's just
>the guy(s) I know.
Genetics + Generational.
Guys are more likely to have attention deficit (like 4:1 ratio to women IIRC), so a natural affinity to it.
The under 25 crowd is more IM-only (far more then email or even voice phone usage) and I suspect you'd see the usage of IM be more equal between the sexes with the younger folks.
And a girl I date said she would one day write a book and each chapter will be a guy she dated. I made the list. I dont think I want to be in her book or any similar book.
Its always a lousy feeling when you break a girl's heart but the bad thing is that women break hearts all the time and seem to cope with it just fine.
Guys are saints.
And I tell him he sucks all the time.
As for Jake, i'm sure he'd love you immensely. I know it!
PS - I could so see Jake G. asking you out!
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He's pretty darn cute too.
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