"Kiss Me Goodbye On The Mouth." Directly. With That Accent.

A co-worker was teasing me last week about being direct. Or, in his words, "You just say exactly what you mean, don't you, Miss Foster?" I get a little perplexed by these comments, because what are other people saying if they aren't saying what they mean?
He's not the first one to tell me I'm direct, but the experience reminded me of a fellow volunteer I met in China, whom I was saying goodnight to as we were standing by a bar and I said something like, "Hey, it was nice to meet you, I'm taking off now," and he said, "Kiss me goodbye on the mouth." For real? Caught me off guard, because I'm not used to people being so direct with ME, but at the same time? This is a dude whose communication style I can get behind. (Also he is from the NYC area. I can't say no to that accent telling me to do something. My weakness.)
The last night I saw this dude in China, a few nights before I left for good, we were at a different bar in a different city, and we were saying goodbye at the bar, for good this time, so of course I had to say it: "Kiss me goodbye on the mouth." Hehe, I knew he would understand.
When you ask for what you want, sometimes you get it! (Sometimes you realize it wasn't that great, but hey, now you know!) Better to have been direct and lost than to never have directed at all. Or something like that. Indecisiveness, or worse, inconsistency, baffle me, and I just have to throw those people overboard in the ship of my life. Step up, son! (All people are okay. I just can't deal with all people.)


Busy Bee Suz said…
"and I just have to throw those people overboard in the ship of my life."
I love that line...I'm going to use it soon!

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