I have a wallflower scent thingy in my office and change the scent every month or so. Some past comments:
- "It smells like a head shop in here." And...that's the last time I use a scent with cloves in at work.
- "It smells like Christmas in here." Peppermint has it's own holiday now.
- "Now I want a daiquiri." Coconut Water makes people thirsty.
The most recent scent is 'Eucalyptus and Spearmint', which has gone over very well; when people walk in, I get a lot of compliments on how my office smells clean and fresh. But then one of the IT guys walked in: "It smells like a men's locker room after a bunch of guys have taken a shower and all the soap and cologne is mixed together." Huh? Is that really a thing that happens in men's locker rooms? Shoot, I've been missing out!! And, they're all just still wearing little white towels, right? I thought so. Best smell ever.
Also, most creative IT guy ever, right?