Talking, Wanting, Dancing

That NYT article in my last post reminded me of this scene from a recent Community episode:

That 80's line cracks me up! I do wish I could take the talking feature off my phone, I pay way too much for my 27 minutes a month of talk time I actually use. Texting and video chat FTW.

Also! This Community episode revolves around the idea we want what we can't have, and when we get it, we lose interest. There was a great line from Mad Men last season, about Don Draper: "You only like the beginnings of things." That's, like, the Pulitzer of one-liners about human motivation.  I've always called it "people who only want to want." I'm definitely not down with the only-wanters.

I've been feeling very stressed the last few weeks, and it's starting to catch up with me courtesy of sleepless nights and tummy aches. So, tonight I'm going to relieve some stress by doing my latin dancing workout. This song always gets my booty movin'


Busy Bee Suz said…
LOL...I actually use my phone as a phone too. Lame? Maybe so.
Don Draper is something isn't he? His character is so, so , so , so....I just don't know.

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