Memories Under A Mirror

On J.'s bed. (There was some kind of mirrored ceiling optical illusion, I wasn't that thin standing upright.)

J. and I were set up by my friend Veronica, who used to date him years ago and they were still good friends. He had never been married, didn't want kids and was a pinto like me, so she thought we were perfect for each other.

Alas! J. and I were better suited as friends, which we became. I was only disappointed by this because I loved his house and totally would have lived there; very 60's Rat Pack, martini bar, tiki lounge style. The bathrooms were super-hero themed. His bedroom had mirrors on the ceiling, as did his shower. He was a baller, just not with me!

I love interesting people who do things like decorate their house like they're Frank Sinatra. Also, I miss San Antonio. 


Busy Bee Suz said…
What an unusual apartment....I love that you thought to photograph everything, including you!
Rebecca Foster said…
Yes, it is very eccentric. It was like a museum, I just had to take pics!

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