Action Movie!

I've been working on a one-off media project for work and for part of it we taped short action sequences using an awesome iPhone/iPad app called 'Action Movie.' (By Bad Robot.) It's free in the App store for 1 effect and you can pay for more effects. (All of the effects costs $4.00 total. Pretty cheap!) Kids and adults alike love it! I can't show the footage we taped for the project, but here are some samples I made in the car while playing around with it. They are short, about 10 seconds each. I can't wait to make movies at my next family gathering! Btw, I'm almost done with my NYC photos/video. I expect to have it posted this weekend.

I've shot around 100 GB of footage at various locations for this project in the last few days; it's fun but oh boy I am not used to hauling around all of my shooting equipment (cameras, tripods, lights) to the different locations! I'm so sore. I need a photo boy asap! Or a massage boy.


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