Direct Desire, Or, 10:00 PM Tongue Time

(Note: oh gosh! This post is why I should only post in the daytime. I'm not a night person, I say silly things after 10:00 PM, even on this blog. But I'm leaving it up. The real me, or something.)

Sometimes a guy whose opinion matters to you thinks you're desirable and it's awesome! Evolution in action. Sometimes they stop (or stop showing it) and you might think, "What did I do to stop being desirable?"  But someone else's actions (or lack of them) shouldn't change the inherent desirability you believe about yourself*.

Of course, if he stops showing or saying it, move on and find someone who does. It's nice to believe you're desirable. It's nice to not have to rely solely on that, either.

1. As I like to say, "I have enough male friends now. If you don't want to put your tongue in my mouth, you're useless to me."

2. I have also said, to a guy I liked but who would come over at night and just talk talk talk, "Why are we talking so much, so late, all the time? From now on, if it's after 10:00 PM and if your lips are still moving, they better be on mine." A girl needs her sleep, yo. I'm willing to stay up late for some things, but not just anything. (I think he cried a little. I was way too direct for him.)

3. There was also a guy I knew in China that I wanted to kiss for MONTHS and I could not believe we were going to leave the country without kissing so we were talking one night and I asked him, "Have you ever wanted to kiss me on the mouth?" It was after 10:00 PM. He didn't say anything, he just put his hand to the back of my head and kissed me.

Sometimes a girl just has to be direct about her desires. Especially if it's after 10:00 PM.

*Desire isn't necessarily based on looks, it's the whole package of whatever you think makes you desirable. It might be your enthusiasm and easy-going nature, your loyalty, or your curvy backside. You decide. 


Anonymous said…
Well...why waste words, right? :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh, I LOVE your directness. Is that a word? I think yes.
I agree...who needs to talk that much?

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