Summer Things

Orange and electric lavender eyeshadow, fun and bright for summer. No upper lid eyeliner because this was daytime, but you could make this very dramatic with eyeliner and false lashes. Make Up Forever brand, #s 18 (orange) and 9 (purple).

I picked out this bike and then it was sold out! Waiting for it to come back in stock. I'll attach a basket to the back for groceries and whatnot. If there's one thing I learned from T. it is the importance of me wearing a helmet while biking, haha, so I hope to find a semi-cute one. (We only had one helmet and I *always* had to wear it. "No offence", he'd tell me, "but you need this way worse than I do." He was right. I can't wait to send him pictures of me on my bike with the helmet, he'll love it.)

Gold leather high-heeled sandals. Very impractical for summer walking, so of course, perfect. (Actually, pretty comfortable due to the cork platform and Sofft-brand cushioning.) 

And, so far there has been no great Song of Summer, a la last summer's Give Me Everything. So, I am forced to recycle this jam from summer 2010, which came out just as I was leaving China and the bartender at Cafe Paname in Chengdu played it for me every night I was there that last week before I went home, jamming it up with my fellow PCers and let's not forget The Night The Marines From The Consulate Showed Up AKA my best night in China, ha. I don't hear this song without thinking of that night. If you haven't seen me dance you've only seen 75% of my personality. You might be surprised. 

Hope you all have a great summer!


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