My Unanswered Questions - Updated

1. Am I going to spend my life dreaming of the view of a beautiful bridge, or live it?
2. Am I going to buy a house/condo or travel the world with that money?
3. Am I going to go on a Buddhist temple meditation retreat, just to see what it's like?
4. Am I going to give up my car?
5. Am I going to ever stop daydreaming about that guy?
6. Am I going to give up on those who I think gave up on me?
7. Am I going to make it to Bali? 
8. Am I going to ever go to my dad's grave site? 
9. Am I going to fill up this page, or my book? 

What would my dad tell me, if he were still here?

1. Live it.
2. Which one is more important to you?
3. Yes.
4. If you want to.
5. Why should you?
6. No.
7. Yes.
8. If you don't, I understand why.
9. Why do you have to choose?

I've been thinking about this because a close friend's father was diagnosed with cancer. And my heart aches for him, because I know your life is never the same again.

I don't want any regrets. Mistakes? Ok. But no regrets. 


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