Crash! A Timeline.

My new bike. Not as cute as the other one, but this one has 7 gears instead of 1 (I live on a mountain slope so this is pretty nice) and was in stock and on sale. Sold.

8:30 PM: Outside the store. My brother and I realize my bike will not fit on his car's mountain bike rack because it's a GIRL's bike, so the bars are in a different places. Oops.

8:45 PM: We finally jimmy-rig a way to fit the bike in his car (my dad's truck is at the ranch house, my car is smaller than his) with the trunk shut and everything. I think my brother is secretly an engineer in his spare time.

9:00 PM: Get the bike in the back parking lot behind my building to test out the seat height with my brother watching me. I stand next to a fence for balance, because I haven't been on a bike in 2 years and I'm a bit shaky. I insist on wearing my helmet (silver), because this was engrained in me in China. I take a short ride around the parking lot.

9:02 PM: While getting off the bike my fitted denim skirt catches on the seat and I lose my balance, falling to the ground in a dramatically graceful action, pulling the bike over on top of me, elbow and helmet hitting the pavement to break my fall. I'VE BEEN RIDING THIS BIKE FOR 2 MINUTES AND CRASHED.

9:02 - 9:05 PM: I laugh my ass off on the ground while my brother tries to help me up, asking me if I am laughing or crying, but I can't answer because I'm laughing so hard. Ask my brother to take a picture of me on the ground, but he won't. I must look pretty undignified.

9:05 - 9:10 PM: Can't stop laughing while adjusting the seat and my brother gives me the great advice to not wear a fitted denim skirt while riding this bike. Noted.

Going back out tonight for a ride. Need to get comfortable before I start adding baskets and stuff. Wish me luck!


Stacy Q said…
A new bike is a great thing, at any age. My daughter's 3rd grade teacher, who is my age, went on and on to me for about fifteen minutes one day about the new bike she was getting. She was Soooo excited. ;-D
Rebecca Foster said…
Must be recapturing the excitement of youth or something. You were very nice to listen to that for 15 minutes! :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
Gives the phrase "like riding a bike" a whole new meaning.
Kuddos to you for wearing the helmet...and yes, ditch the skirt. :)
I hope you have a blast {safely!}

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