Rebecca Hall of Fame V: Green Eyes

I subscribe to the sociocultural theory that on a subconcious level, straight men want to sleep with women who look like they have a high rate of fertility (large chest, curvy waist, youthful in appearance etc., and yes ewww calling it that, but what else do you call it?), while straight women want to sleep with men they think would make good genetic partners.* I also think this is why men sometimes get tagged as shallow creatures who'll "sleep with anything" whereas women are deemed less promiscuous. We're not, we're just using different criteria. If you met 100 men who fulfilled the genetic criteria, you'd be attracted enough to want to sleep with those 100 men. Men get some broader leeway, as she just has to look like someone who could get knocked up, if they so desired. (Whether the man or the woman actually wants to accomplish these tasks is beside the point. This is subconscious desire, not conscious logic.) Men want to perpetuate their genes, women want to perpetuate their genes with someone who is not a freak. Sound familiar?

So anyway, that theory might be BS, but I choose to believe it's why I lose my head for dark-haired, olive-skinned, green-eyed men All The Time. I have dark hair, they have dark hair, I have darker skin, they have darker skin, I have brown/hazel eyes that are turning more green the older I get (I guess the pigment is fading from my eyes the same way it will from my hair), they have green eyes that make my lips tingle just looking at them.** You get the idea. We match on a genetic level.

I have fallen for, and more importantly, stayed felled for, some fairly bad-for-me men, based pretty much solely on the fact they look like this. (The Peacock, anyone? The Bad Canadian?*** I could go on.) But seriously: look at them. How could I NOT lose my head? Nice to know it's just genetic.

*Survival of the Prettiest, Nancy Etcoff,
** And if they are left-handed, everything else too
*** Both left-handed. Sigh


This is totally shameless of me but I would soooooo perpetuate my genes with Chris Cornell! hahaha
Rebecca Foster said…
Yes! Another Chris C. fan! Not shameless, it shows our good taste! :D
Cristina HW said…
What about Henry Cavill? Not green eyes but delish nonetheless ;)

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