My bro

I love my bro because he'll wake me up during movies when the hot guy is coming on screen. (The Two Towers, it was 2:00 AM and sue me, I'm usually asleep at 2:00 AM. But Aragorn is hot and I woulda been pissed to sleep through the best part of that movie, i.e. the barging in through the doors.)

Also, he'll take me to the airport on no notice when I forget I need a ride to the airport. Oops! (In San Antonio I always took a taxi because it was less than 5 miles away.) However, this time I actually made the plane. One time he took me when I was flying home to San Antonio and my flight had left an hour earlier. Oops! Sometimes I have trouble reading itineraries accurately. Don't you hate it when you read your connecting flight as your departing flight? Me too. Luckily I got on the next plane in the morning and just went back to my dad's house to sleep. This happened once in Arizona too when I was visiting Tom. In that case, I just thought I remembered when my plane was leaving. I was wrong. After that, he made me show him my itinerary. Can't say I blame him.

Sometimes I'm surprised too I make it through life in one piece.


Unknown said…
I must remember to read me itinerary very carefully when I go to Australia in January! I don't want to be missing any flights.

You're lucky to have a brother who's so nice to you.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jen you are much smarter than I am so I bet you will be fine. Plus this was one of my flights when my dad was in trauma ICU so I call stress as a factor. :) Then again...

Yes, I am! He is a sweetheart.

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