
Showing posts from March, 2008

Poolside Reading

Favorite reading spot: the pool. Sunshine, bathing suit and wonderful words, what more can I ask for? (Okay, a few things, but still pretty great.) (btw, those are towel crease lines on my leg, not weird veins.)

Panties at the Airport

San Antonio airport gates 10-14 concourse, where in 2006 I accidentally dropped a pair of black panties that had been laundry-basket-static-clinged inside the navy blue hoodie wrapped around my waist and a cute guy stopped to pick them up for me and it was kind of like a movie but not really because actually it's embarrassing to drop panties at the airport in front of a cute guy, you don't really want to chat when he stops to help you pick them up, but every time I walk down that concourse I smile.

Butter Rum Dessert

One of my favorite desserts: melt butter in a saucepan, add generous amounts of rum and sliced bananas, spoon over real vanilla ice cream. Flambe if desired (although it didn't work so well when we tried it. I'm the one saying I want a BIG flame.) . Delicious.

Cry (Subway) Freedom

Last day in Manhattan, as my train pulls into the subway station at 14th Street, a text message comes through that makes me cry. A choice to make: leave? Or head north to Washington Heights as planned? I board, stifling my tears, then remember: it's the NYC subway, no one will blink an eye. So I cry. Unabashedly. Corner seat, alone, tears streaming down my face. As expected everyone pretends not to notice, except one girl at a later stop who looks at me with sad, but understanding, eyes; she's been there. At 168th street I stop crying. Took 151 blocks, but finally had cried all I needed to. This might sound strange, but it was very liberating, not stifling my tears around strangers. I cried in public until I was ready to stop and didn't care who noticed. Not many places could I do this, but freeing to experience once. (If you want to see what a girl looks like after crying for 151 blocks, click here.)

Traveling Love Dice

At dinner the other night, conversation turned to 'personal' items, specifically when you misplace them at home and guests inadvertently find them. Awkward! We decided the easiest-to-lose are Love Dice (a friend gave me some for Valentine's Day and yeah, I hardly ever know where they are), which somehow morphed into taking pictures of our dice while on vacation at famous landmarks and posting them in a Facebook group, a la the traveling gnome. No competition, just something to make each other laugh. I think I'm going to invest in glow-in-the-dark dice. Imagine the possibilities! (If you want to participate, search for the group Traveling Love Dice.)

Bed Part II

I can't pinpoint the exact moment bed linens became something I daydream about, but this display at Restoration Hardware made me want to slide right in for a long, luxurious nap. My own bed is already pretty great, but little visions of super soft sheets and cloud-like duvets to curl up in is never a bad thing. (As long as I'm dreaming, cold Diet Coke on the side table and a handsome (to me) man on the next pillow too, please.) Blue/Chocolate Duvet, Restoration Hardware, $419

Lube, Texas Style

Picture taken at the Walgreen's near my apartment in San Antonio: two full shelves of personal lubricants. At a corner Walgreen's. The bottom shelf was lined with them too. Forget Virginia, apparently Texas Is For Lovers (of a certain size). (Walgreen's at San Pedro and Hildebrand. Which kinda explains it, but still a funny sight.)

One for the road

I'm hitting the road, I leave you with a little John to remember me by. (A man in a suit: can never get enough of that. Add the tie loosening, I'm jello.) And a link to my favorite Jim/Pam video on YouTube. Yes, I am this geeky. Also, I love this song. And some Jim and Pam. And some John. April 10th, folks! P.S., the expected high tomorrow in San Antonio? 93 degrees. Ah, home sweet home.

I Like You Better Under The Influence

My friend Will bought me this book for my birthday. If you know anything about Amy Sedaris, you know why this book is awesome. I love throwing cocktail-type parties, here are a few things I've learned over the years: 1. Invitations sent through the mail create the tone for your party. Anything in sealed envelopes is more formal, but I love postcards, I make my own. Have fun with it. 2. No overhead lighting if you can help it. At Christmas, candles and stringed lights create great ambience. Otherwise, candles and lamps. Soft pink lightbulbs make people look great. 3. You rarely go wrong with 60's cocktail music. Just different enough to get people's attention, but also familiar enough to be relaxing to most people. Ditto Al, Ella and Billie. 4. Plenty of glasses and stabby thingies. I plan on at least three glasses per person, and 8-10 stabbies. 5. Groupings of seating in corners make people feel cozy. Those who want to be the center of attention will find it. Those who don...

One Year

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my dad's death. A lot of memories: the morphine, the labored breathing, the brief return to consciousness before dying that is common with terminal patients, sitting by the bed holding his hand, telling him it was okay to leave us, that we would be okay without him. (I need to keep that promise.) My dad's last words to us? "Okay, I'll see you later." I miss him a lot. There are times this past year, I honest to God (He knows) didn't think I'd make it through. But I did, I made it through a year without my dad. One down, ? to go. This is my favorite picture of us. He probably had an easier time fishing alone. But he took me along and nurtured me in so many areas of life. We enjoyed each other's company, right from the start. (Also, because I always have to pee at inopportune times. It's nice to know that isn't a new thing with me.)

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride in Hell, plus the saucy jokes you can make about it

At dinner one night in NY, someone mentioned going to a club called Toad's something or other in Richmond, VA. I asked if there were a wild ride there. He said no, then I asked if HE were the wild ride. 'Cuz I'm funny like that. Obviously I was thinking of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at Disneyland. I learned later not everyone has heard of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride; turns out it closed in the 90's. I had no idea! I remember this ride scared me when I was younger, but couldn't put my finger on it. Well, Wikipedia offers one description that might hold a clue: The cars then enter what is presumed to be dark prison cells before abruptly turning right and landing on railroad tracks. The vehicles bounce up and down on the tracks before colliding head-on with an oncoming train, whereafter they are sent to one of the ride's most famous scenes — the ending scene in " Hell ." Created specifically for the ride by Disney Imagineers and not inspired by any scen...

Leap Day

February in NYC. Two really cold girls. One lovely bride. (Shirt for warmth, not meant to be seen. Candid shot by the best man.)


Washington Heights Raincoat. Yellow/blue plaid. Returned my unworn yellow wellies and got navy blue ones instead. Rinascimento raincoat , $205

Times Square at Dusk

View from our hotel room in Times Square at dusk. TS is my least favorite part of Manhattan, because I think the least interesting.

Two NY Conversations

Me: "Do you have it in a medium? I only see a size small." Lena (beautiful Dominican girl working in the shop I have a girl crush on now because she was so beautiful and cool): "Medium? That's funny, everyone always wants a small, they always ask for a small." Me: "I'm big, I need a medium!" Lena: "No, no, you are beautiful. They need medium, but they all want a small!" (At Tribeca in Washington Heights; I went in to make fun of the spangly, skimpy J.Lo dresses and ended up buying a surprisingly demure and very cute yellow plaid empire-waist raincoat to match my new yellow wellies. Lena at Tribeca, she is awesome. And gorgeous!) ---- Me: *silence* *waiting to pay for my morning Diet Coke* *more silence* *more waiting* Cashier at the corner bodega, restocking at the counter, not noticing me: "Oh, why didn't you say something? Why didn't you tell me you are standing there? Why didn't you tell me you are ready to pay?" ...

Eccentric NY

Drum kit alarm clock on a garbage can, Canal Street, NYC.



Brass Fire Thingy

I have no idea what this is, but I like it. NYC Fire Museum.

Pajama Pants

Emergency PJs, super warm and comfy, albeit tacky, pants, Century 21, $8.99. First lettering pants. Slippery slope?


At Turks and Frogs, Tribeca.

6 Train

What I did a lot of: waiting for the 6 train. (Rosy cheeks from the cold. Subway lighting, super flattering!)


Queens, NY.