Cry (Subway) Freedom

Last day in Manhattan, as my train pulls into the subway station at 14th Street, a text message comes through that makes me cry. A choice to make: leave? Or head north to Washington Heights as planned? I board, stifling my tears, then remember: it's the NYC subway, no one will blink an eye. So I cry. Unabashedly. Corner seat, alone, tears streaming down my face. As expected everyone pretends not to notice, except one girl at a later stop who looks at me with sad, but understanding, eyes; she's been there. At 168th street I stop crying. Took 151 blocks, but finally had cried all I needed to.

This might sound strange, but it was very liberating, not stifling my tears around strangers. I cried in public until I was ready to stop and didn't care who noticed. Not many places could I do this, but freeing to experience once.

(If you want to see what a girl looks like after crying for 151 blocks, click here.)


Jenn-n-n said…

Puffy or not you are still beautiful my friend!

Sometimes, tears are the way to go. As a general rule, I HATE crying, but there have been times when I've just had to let it out. It's insane that you could cry for 151 blocks and have only one person acknowledge your pain. If you ever need to let it out, my shoulder is always there for you...even if it's just in thought. And that pic doesn't look like you'd been crying at all. You look TOTALLY cute.
You don't look like a girl who just got done crying :o)

I'm a cry baby at times, and have no qualms about crying in front of strangers.......sometimes I have even made other people cry....haha completely unintentional though.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn and Sarah, you are too nice and I appreciate it, as I feel quite self-conscious about that pic. And it is once in a lifetime, so that sucks. Thank you both for being so uplifting about it.
Sarah: can you imagine if it'd been Texas?? Didn't surprise me at all, I'm surprised one person acknowledged. So maybe I am a chicken after all, I knew no one would call me out on it.

Jessica: oh, that is so wonderful. I wish I were like you. Ironically, my mom says when I was a toddler I would burst into tears when strangers approached. Drove her nuts. I guess same shyness, manifest a different way. I'm kinda worried I broke down a barrier, now I'll be crying all over the place publicly lol.
Technodoll said…
Hunny I wish I looked half as great as you do after a round of tears...

I once cried for an entire 7-hour flight from Frankfurt to Montreal, I was so dehydrated by the end of it I looked like a prune.

So yeah. I know what you mean.

Rebecca Foster said…
techno: 7 hours?? I am so sorry. That is some serious sadness. Mine was nowhere near that long. My steady Diet Coke habit must keep me well hydrated. Haha.

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