I can't pinpoint the exact moment bed linens became something I daydream about, but this display at Restoration Hardware made me want to slide right in for a long, luxurious nap.
My own bed is already pretty great, but little visions of super soft sheets and cloud-like duvets to curl up in is never a bad thing. (As long as I'm dreaming, cold Diet Coke on the side table and a handsome (to me) man on the next pillow too, please.)
Blue/Chocolate Duvet, Restoration Hardware, $419
Techno: I can't believe your "bleurked" Diet Coke! Ouch! :D Good, more for me.
Wartime: black? You are brave. I'm always afraid I'll drool. But my sheets are brown, so I guess not so much.
Jen: I have a duvet the same blue color, just not the stripe, and I got it for less than $100 bucks at Bed Bath and Beyond on sale. 500 thread count. This one is 600 thread count, but I for one would not splurge for it. I'm okay with 500. I bought brown sheets, so I still have the same color scheme. But for about $500 cheaper all told. I splurge on stuff all the time, but you can find some good sales. I stock up when I do.
(only if you want to share) *grin*