Panties at the Airport

San Antonio airport gates 10-14 concourse, where in 2006 I accidentally dropped a pair of black panties that had been laundry-basket-static-clinged inside the navy blue hoodie wrapped around my waist and a cute guy stopped to pick them up for me and it was kind of like a movie but not really because actually it's embarrassing to drop panties at the airport in front of a cute guy, you don't really want to chat when he stops to help you pick them up, but every time I walk down that concourse I smile.


Laughing so hard breathing is getting difficult!
Jenn-n-n said…
You should have married that man!!! How romantical in a weird sense. Perhaps he's always wondered about you... can you imagine!!!

Bah, I'm still half asleep methinks.
That is classic!!

I had a somewhat similar experience with panties falling out of an inconspicuous place. They were in the leg of my jeans, and somehow, I didn't feel them.......they fell out as I was walking along the hallway at school.....EMBARRASSING!! It took a while to live that one down!
Technodoll said…
That is just about the most hilarious thing I've ever read! aaaaaaaaahahahhah!!

*wipes tears from eyes*
Rebex said…
Hilarious! Especially since that's happened to me before...except they were white granny panties, instead of pretty black ones. And they were coming out my pants leg. My friends were like, "What's that lump?" Ha ha!
Rebecca Foster said…
Sarah, does it even surprise you I did this? World's. Biggest. Dork.

Jenn, at least we should have made out a little! And I never thought of it before but if he HAS wondered, the idea someone out there thinks of me only as "the girl who dropped her panties at the airport" cracks me up.

Jessica and Rebecca, you guys need to be friends. :) School is SO MUCH WORSE, sorry guys, but your stories are better.

Techno, trust me, I do dumb stuff like this all the time. And he really was cute. Too bad life is not a movie.
Jenn-n-n said…
Life is not a movie because we let movie moments in our lives slip by without action....we fear rejection too much, we fear looking a fool too much... Perhaps we should say f off fear and seize the moments that come our way!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jenn, hear hear!! I am missing out on far too much. Which I won't go into detail here, but let's just say: TOO MUCH. I'm a kitten who needs her ball of yarn.

And I always loved this quotation: "My life hath been the poem I should have writ, but I could not both live and utter it." Can't remember the exact words or author this time of night but yeah, you are spot on, as usual. WISE.

Maybe next time I fly, I'll drop panties again, on purpose this time, and see what happens...;)
Anonymous said…
First of all I absolutely love Sixteen Candles and Jake Ryan. Secondly how freakin' embarrassing with the panties! But at least you got yourself a good airport/panties memory.
Rebecca Foster said…
1218: oh yes, he is still the standard. And yes, at least I am still laughing about it all this time later.
Anonymous said…

apparently you had fun at this airport, is a great story.keep it in mind incase of a sad day or when you feel sad.

Rebecca Foster said…
thanks fireball, yes, it does still make me laugh. I often forget about it, but at the airport it all comes rushing back. Good thing it is a smiling memory. :)

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