
At Turks and Frogs, Tribeca.


Unknown said…
What is that? I never heard of it before.
Technodoll said…
Why oh why did I check out your blog just now... just ate cereal for dinner and am suddenly craving hot, crunchy moist falafel... *groan*
Rebecca Foster said…
Jen, it is a middle eastern dish made of spicy ground up chick peas (I think). Fried, so as techno says, hot, crunchy and moist. Kinda like cornbread, but 10 times more delicious. I love it. I had great falafel in Ottawa and Montreal at shewarma shops. It is not common where I currently live, so when I travel to the east coast I eat it every day.

Falafel in a pita with tahini and hot sauce is also delicious!

Techno I am so jealous of your falafel resources. Eat some for me, please. One of my faves.

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