Lube, Texas Style

Picture taken at the Walgreen's near my apartment in San Antonio: two full shelves of personal lubricants. At a corner Walgreen's. The bottom shelf was lined with them too. Forget Virginia, apparently Texas Is For Lovers (of a certain size).

(Walgreen's at San Pedro and Hildebrand. Which kinda explains it, but still a funny sight.)


Anonymous said…
Hey, it's important sometimes, you know? Sometimes it's too minty. Or too slick, or not slick enough.

Variety is good.
*looks about suspiciously*
Rebecca Foster said…
Oh, I agree with you about variety. It was just the lube-to-other-product ratio in this small corner drugstore that made me laugh.

Also, the fact I have been in there hundreds of times and never noticed it before. New perhaps. But obviously a good seller.
Well, this is Texas, you know. Everything is bigger here. Did I just say that...
Rebecca Foster said…
Sarah you rule! (You inspired the new title, you are now cited on the front page, hope that's okay.)
Too funny........wouldn't be caught dead buying that stuff!
Anonymous said…
That's why they have those self-check out scanners now, Jessica.
Technodoll said…
LOL! In a corner market?? Wow... I gotta move to Texas!! yeeehaaww!!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jeremy part II: I reread your comment and I missed the tone the first time around. And...I'ma huge dork as a result. Nice one. Got it. ;)

Jessica: I think no one in that store would blink an eye! :) I buy silicone lube for my inner thighs and waistband when I run long distances, I guess I am immune now.

Techno: Texas is awesome. That is all. :D

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