
This past week the new york times website became blocked here.  I was used to reading it everyday to get my news, so it was a big loss. I can always get around the block with a proxy server, but those get blocked too. I am constantly having to find new ways to get around the censorship here. And some days, nothing really seems to work. Of course the local government denies having anything to do with it. They said it must be a technical issue on the nytimes side. 

Of all the things that are difficult here, this the hardest ideologically: having decisions made for me about what I can and cannot read and see.  

I have learned that forcing people to make the decisions you want them to make by not giving them any other options is one way to keep order and harmony. But not the way I would choose. 

I look forward to the day I get to choose again. 


Technodoll said…
wow that stinks... :-( and there is NO way around it??

How much longer until you come home?
Rebecca said…
You can use proxy servers, but those get blocked too so I just keep trying to find new ones. It's just irritating, you know?

Not until August 2010. FOR-EV-ER!
Rebecca said…
I guess I have always taken our "freedom of speech" and of the press, etc. for granted. I will now gleefully complain about the tainted liberal media, but with more gratitude that I can whine about them. :) See you soon!

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