W Magazine

W is a high fashion and society magazine, with interesting photography and a cataloguing of all the beautiful jewelry, clothes, accessories and beauty treatments I'll never be able to afford. It's my little piece of cotton candy Neverland, the equivilant of playing Halo all day long. 
I've had a subscription for over a decade. W forever! But I canceled it when I came to China. Big mistake! I really miss it. I just bought the monthly issues I've missed on Amazon, to be shipped to my mom's house for me to read while I am home on vacation. And I renewed my subscription. They'll pile up at my mom's house while I am gone, but I am going to read each and every one at some point when I return. 
There are very few non-essential material things I really miss about my old life in America. W is a big one. What this says about me, I am not sure. (Another? My boots!)


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