Steamy Pee

Yes, I mean exactly what it sounds like. 

In China the buildings are usually not heated, and our classroom building gets very, very cold. The other day I was in the bathroom, squat toilet, and my pee hitting the cold porcelein created steam. Which normally would not be a big deal, but it's a squat toilet. Worst facial ever! 

Yes, I disinfected myself as soon as possible! 


The Bingham's said…
thanks for sharing. YUCK! But absolutely hilarious!!
Rebecca said…
ICK! But guess what? HOORAH! I finally got into your blog! Now I can catch up on your restaurant dining with (insert animal of choice). Ha! Miss you!
Technodoll said…
OMG! I choked on my water reading that! aaaaaahahahaha!

Rebecca said…
I knew you all would share in my disgust!

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