Christmas Negotiations, Goose, and Singing

I'm away from family this year for Christmas, so I've been thinking about the stuff I miss. At the top of my list? My sister's Christmas "negotiations", which go something like this: open presents. Look at what everyone body else got. Decide if you want something of theirs. Start offering tradesies and haggling for whatever it is you liked better. Usually I end up trading something because my mom likes to give me and my sister identical gifts but in different colors, i.e. sweaters, socks, blankets, etc. (My brother gets off the hook, the perk of being the only boy.) My family sent me a box of presents for Christmas. I assume not everything in the box was originally intended for me. Uncontested negotiations! 
We also enjoy playing the present fakout game, which is where you give a truly awful gift but pretend like it's sincere, forcing the recipient to offer false oohs, aahs, and other fake gushing until finally you let them off the hook by bursting into laughter. It would be quite the faux pas to dismiss something as fake when it turns out to be the real thing!  So this basically plays upon our religious guilt upbringing as a Christmas tradition. Fun for all! 
On another Christmas note, my students sang "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" to me today. One of them downloaded the instrumental music onto his cell phone, but they only know the opening line, so they just sang it over and over again until the music stopped. It made my day. 
Merry Christmas everyone! 


Unknown said…
We give faux (gag) gifts too. Or we try to fake someone out by the packaging. For example...Years ago, my aunt's boyfriend brought over a huge, heavy box. She unwrapped it to reveal a fridge box. She was really confused since she didn't have her own place and was still living with my grandparents. He told her to open it to make sure she liked the colour. Open it she did. And discovered a little wrapped box, no bigger than her hand resting on top of bricks. She unwrapped it, confused, to find a diamond ring. He proposed on the spot and said the new fridge was already awaiting them in the house he had built.
Rebex said…
Merry Christmas, RFo. I just adore you! For some reason, I thought you were coming home for Christmas. What happened? Sad day. I hope it was fantastic anyway. :)
The Bingham's said…
Merry Christmas cuz!!!

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