Mad Men

I got hooked on MadMen (short for Madison Avenue Men) after downloading seasons 1 and 2 online and watching them during an especially stressful couple of weeks; they became my visual Xanax. And how! 
Two things I love about it: 
1. The little stabs of shock at overt displays of sexism in the workplace. As bad as I sometimes thought my job was, I wasn't dealing with anything on this scale. Makes me grateful for those that came before me and took the brunt of this crap. 
2. The slices of life in 1960's surburban America: desperate housewives, indeed!  But I also love the scene where a mother catches her daughter encased head to toe in a plastic dry cleaning bag, the kind now covered in warnings about suffocation. She says to her daughter, "Young lady...." and your 2008 ears think she is going to chastise her for toying with her life, but she follows it up with "...if my dry cleaning is on the ground, you are in big trouble!" And goes back to her cigarrette. Awesome. 

I lied, 3 reasons: JON HAMM. 


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