Street Meat

This is why I keep getting food poisoning: here is a cart of livers or hearts or something on the sidewalk.  There is non-refridgerated meat everywhere around here. It smells bad. I try to avoid it, but it's all over the sidewalks in carts like this. I can only imagine how far these germs spread. 


Rebex said…
Oh my! I'm feeling a little queezy now (however you spell that).
Technodoll said…
Wow you've been busy travelling and taking really gross photos to share with us, LOL!

I've heard horrendous things about how dirty China can be... *gulp*

How long will you be in the States? You must be sooo excited!!
Rebecca said…
Rebex,I know the feeling!

Techno, I aim to please. Everything you had heard is true, and the reality is even worse. I had to give up caring or I would go crazy. But I still care a little bit!

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