The Flower Anus Is Not Where You Think It Is
Me: "Where are we meeting for lunch?"
R.: "Floweriness Cafe"
Me: "Flower Anus Cafe?"
Me: "Hahahahahha!" (Because I have the brain of 12 year old boy; also, she did say 'flower anus'.)
R.: "Flower - i - ness Cafe."'
Me: "Wow. Awkward name."
This cafe is an attempt at a "Western" style cafe. It was not good enough for how expensive it was. Nice ambiance though, very different from where I usually eat.
It's like when you go to a Chinese restaurant here in the states and they say Miso-Honey (as in the dressing) and when they say it fast with their accent it comes out sounding like "me so horny..." so you keep asking the waitress what kind of dressing it is just to hear her say it (not that I'VE done that!). ;)
I know, I know! I'm nosy! But your posts fascinate me, girl!