Unexpected Consequences: Chinese Foot Atrophy
I love high-heeled shoes. HIGH-heeled shoes. In the U.S. I quite regularly tottled around on 4-inchers:
I brought three pair of 4-inch heels to China because HAHA I thought I'd wear them. But I have to walk miles everyday to get everywhere I need to go, and sidewalks in my part of China look like this:
So, the pretty shoes have been in the back of the closet for most of the past year, but I pulled them out today because I have a party to attend this weekend and want to wear the awesome 4-inch silver strappy sandals and HOLY FEET ATROPHY, BATMAN! I made it about a quarter of a mile and had to come back home to change shoes. I guess constantly wearing high-heeled shoes is like yoga for the feet? And when you stop bending like that, your muscles forget how? I'm so feet-ashamed, I've turned into a frumpy shoe wearer for the sake of comfort and safety! This is not really who I am! So, starting today, I have a high-heeled shoe regimen in the safety and comfort of my own home: I'll be tottling around the house every day in 4-inch shoes, until I'm limber enough to venture back out in public.
I hope this is the most shallow thing I've ever posted.
I brought three pair of 4-inch heels to China because HAHA I thought I'd wear them. But I have to walk miles everyday to get everywhere I need to go, and sidewalks in my part of China look like this:
So, the pretty shoes have been in the back of the closet for most of the past year, but I pulled them out today because I have a party to attend this weekend and want to wear the awesome 4-inch silver strappy sandals and HOLY FEET ATROPHY, BATMAN! I made it about a quarter of a mile and had to come back home to change shoes. I guess constantly wearing high-heeled shoes is like yoga for the feet? And when you stop bending like that, your muscles forget how? I'm so feet-ashamed, I've turned into a frumpy shoe wearer for the sake of comfort and safety! This is not really who I am! So, starting today, I have a high-heeled shoe regimen in the safety and comfort of my own home: I'll be tottling around the house every day in 4-inch shoes, until I'm limber enough to venture back out in public.
I hope this is the most shallow thing I've ever posted.
And it's totally a practise thing. I have 4 inchers that I wear all the time, but if I go a month without....oh my, it's like I can't walk anymore....
I have bad feet...my arches fell years ago and I have to wear only certain types of sandals or sneakers with special orthotics in them. they are horrid. I love pretty shoes and can't wear them.
OK I'm just horrendously jealous that I can't wear stilettos, booo!
Yep, shallow. Love it!
Have fun breaking them in!