Running, Happy Thanksgiving Plans, And The Best Christmas Pageant Ever?

Today I went running out at T's and took a few pictures along the way:

A power line worker having a nap in the trees:

An elderly man sitting on his porch reading a book:

Just for you, Techno, a Chinese chicken coop:

A woman doing the wash, and two de-feathered ducks for dinner (hanging on the pole):

Pretty much everyone thought I was crazy for running for no reason. I stopped to talk to a few people along the way. I could see it in their eyes, "Why are you running if no one is chasing you?" One guy stopped on his motorcycle and backed up to offer me a ride back to town.

So last year's Thanksgiving was not great. I taught all day, and then we had possibly the worst Thanksgiving dinner ever of dry chicken. So, this year, my thoughtful mom sent me money to go to a hotel in the city serving Thanksgiving dinner for expats. Really good food, and I am so excited!! 10 of us are going, and I am going to eat and eat and eat to my heart's content. I'll post pictures after Thanksgiving of what a Chinese Thanksgiving looks like. Most Chinese know about Thanksgiving, they way most Americans know about Chinese New Year, but it isn't really celebrated here. However, I get texts all day long from my students wishing me Happy Thanksgiving, and I treasure those. They are so thoughtful of my American holidays.

Today Andrew and I were asked to co-host a Christmas pageant our students are putting on on December 23rd. I'm being given a script! I have no idea what this is about, but I can't wait to find out. I'll keep you all informed!

Happy Thankgsiving!


Little Fish said…
I love that your students text you because they realize that Thanksgiving is significant for you. Very sweet!
The Bingham's said…
Happy Thanksgiving!! Have fun eating and eating until they have to roll you out of the resturant.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I made a pact with myself: Never run, unless someone is chasing me...with a knife!
The pictures are so funny!
I hope you enjoy your deserve a great American holiday!!
Technodoll said…
LOL! See how far my chickens reach out and influence the world in some strange way :-D

I too don't know why people run without a reason. OK it's because I'm a lazy fatass, but still.

Yay thanksgiving food!! Your mom is sooo sweet, you're going to have a blast!!

That is really funny about you running. It seems to be the "thing" to do here. Everyone I know is a runner! Anyhow, we will miss you again this Thanksgiving. Maybe next year? In our new house..yes we are building again...for the last time. We will have a nice guest suite:) Have fun in the city!
HOW FUN! I think the gift from your mom to go have a thanksgiving is simply special. A wonderful contrast from last year for you! And then your students to help you celebrate a holiday that is not their own. I think the funniest thing is that people wonder why you were running! How funny!
Ileana said…
That first picture, at first glace, looked like a fine painting. I love the way you capture everyday life in China with your camera. Once again, thanks for sharing your part of the world with us and I look forward to hearing more about that Christmas pageant!

PS - Happy Thanksgiving, American style! :)

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