Stuff I’ve Learned

1. Any food you eat in bed tastes exponentially better.

2. It’s okay to admit you hate camping. When I was younger, I sort of made myself believe I liked the outdoors because most of the guys I was interested in were mountain men on the side. The truth is, I like hot showers and seafood buffets and soft hotel beds, so sue me!  On the plus side, when you admit that out loud, you find the people who feel the same way. Amazing.

3. Something more expensive that will last over time is a much better deal than cheaper and easily broken. This is especially true of shoes and appliances.

4. The question is not “Are you single?” The question should be: “Are there any girls who you know think they’re your girlfriend?”

5. Sometimes what is holding us back is the fear of our own success, either because we don’t think we deserve it, or we don’t want the responsibility that comes with it.

6. A guy who wants to help you carry your bags or pay for things doesn’t necessarily think you’re incompetent or needy; it’s sometimes just how he learned to show he’s interested in you. It’s okay to accept these things graciously. And to give back. 

7. A man who makes you laugh is 90% of the way to smoochville.

8. We don’t always know what people have been through in their lives. It’s okay to feel forgiveness and compassion when they’ve let their past influence them to be someone who hurts you.  It’s also okay, if the situation warrants, to not let them have access to hurt you again.

9. First Class? Very often, worth the extra money.

10. Cheese is really, really, really, really good and eating it while you ponder can help you solve a lot of problems.


myself said…
HELLS TO THE YES for #1!!!!! BBQ chips in bed YUMMERS

And yeah. I hate camping too. So there. My idea of camping means the motel doesn't offer room service. :P
Anonymous said…
Fabulous post! If I hear #3 from my mom one more time...but it's so true...the older I get, the more I realize it. (after a succession of four junk vacuum cleaners...I could have put the money out for a better one...and would still have it!)

#7 is definitely true, too!
Stephanie said…
Oh how I adore this list. Everything really does does better in bed..actually its best if someone else brings it to you in bed!

Well done!
Busy Bee Suz said…
I actually like a cabin not a tent. But I would drop the cabin in a second to spend a weekend at the four seasons. First class is good. Yup. Very very good.

Funny men are just sexy. I get it.

#3 took me 35 years to learn. You are so smart.
yrautca said…
This list is brilliant. I particularly agree with 4 (change girlfriend to boyfriend). I agree with 8; unfortunately I have let people hurt me again and again.
Ileana said…
Add a glass of red wine to the cheese and it's even better! :)

PS - Funny guys are definitely sexy in my book and "lo barato te cuesta caro" (cheap things cost you more) in the long run...I'm so with you on #3.
mjfoster77 said…
Can I get an "Amen?!" That rocked! (Number 5 is me to a T.)
Girl! We are ALOT alike. I completely agree with you on most of those comments! :)
Dream Big said…
Totally agree with #5, well put.

Haven't tried first class yet, but def need to!
Dream Big said…
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Mandy said…
I amaze myself all the time by learning new things that I thought I should have known.
Technodoll said…
This post is perfect in so many ways, I don't know where to start! Let's just say I love how your mind works. LOVE!

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