Blessings and Curses

Do you have things in your life that you sometimes feel are both a blessing and a curse?

For example, I am very sensitive emotionally. I think the shyness I struggle with is a part of this, like a light shining too brightly in your eyes. But I also think being emotionally sensitive is what makes me a good teacher; I can ‘read’ the emotions of my students very quickly, and adjust my teaching style/lesson/topic for their benefit. On the curse side, sometimes I take things too hard or too personally, and it’s difficult for me to see objectively others’ intentions. On the blessing side, I think it helps me be a good friend, because I am sensitive to my friends’ needs.

I have noticed that I gravitate toward people who are far less sensitive than I am. I believe in the principle of yin and yang, that there is a balance to interactions that can benefit both sides. My best friend in high school was a cheerleader, something I would have found intolerable, but she was great at it. My friend FloJo is a great balance and flat out tells me when I am being a little emotional about something. I’ve learned to trust her barometer. One of the things I always appreciated about my friend T. is that he would talk to everyone we had to interact with, I never had to talk to strangers if I didn't want to when I was with him. He has a fearlessness I admire a lot.

I feel like part of the challenge of humanity is learning to balance who we are, to let both the blessing and the curse sides teach us something about ourselves, and how our strengths can benefit others. What have you learned?


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh, this is such a great post and a great subject!!!
I am so with you on being over emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve (which is a curse and a blessing) but this also makes me very sensitive towards others feelings.
And...I am still learning how to deal with that part of my being.
Ileana said…
Ooh, I like this post! I get EXACTLY what you mean. I love meeting people and learning new things, new experiences, etc. but at the same time it cuts into my family time and it's tough to juggle being a good mom/wife/daughter and being true to my spirit (which is carefree and funloving)...and I do ADORE my family!

I think I'm as wellrounded as I can get and I love that about myself...but again, I feel like I miss out on certain family moments I should be around for.
Technodoll said…
True, dat - balance is the key to a happy and fulfilled life I do believe!

How boring would it be if everyone was the same anyways!

Deep fried ice cream.
Soft rock.
Chocolate-covered bacon.

Balance :-D
Technodoll said…
And my comments are quite silly, forgive me... it's the wine. had to balance out the day of hard work!

*shies away*

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