Dill Pickle Chips, Spicy Dumpling Soup, and Halloween Memories

I love dill pickle flavored potato chips. If you haven't tried them, I recommend them highly. My favorite are Canadian brands, but Lays are okay too.  I'm a big fan of the pickle in general, claussen's are good. Every year in my stocking I used to get a jar of baby dills I didn't have to share. My favorite part was drinking the juice and garlic pieces when they were gone. Yeah, I'm kinda gross.

But this is good, I promise! Sichuan-style dumpling soup. Here's how I make it:

2 cups chicken broth
A few splashes of sesame oil
A few more splashes of soy sauce
about a teaspoon of hot chili oil (not that sweet stuff, the darker hot stuff)
red pepper flakes
chopped green onions
a few frozen dumplings (I used 6)
Fresh greens (spinach or any other fresh weedy green)

Combine everything except the greens, boil until the dumplings are cooked, then add the greens for a minute or two, just enough to cook them down. Here's what it looks like when it's done:

It's kind of spicy, so if you don't like spice, delete the chili oil and/or the pepper flakes. I have a tolerant tongue, so I like mine really spicy.


Halloween! What a fun holiday. I've been thinking about some of my best, and worst, Halloweens. One of my most memorable was a year I was a cat. (This is my go-to costume because it is easy and comfy.) I was driving home around 4:30 AM from my friend's party and remembered my friends Nate and Brett were coming over the next morning for Sunday brunch. I don't drink milk, so I stopped at the all-night grocery to get some for them. I only wanted a little container but couldn't find the whole milk they like. So I'm standing in front of the milk case at the store, staring at all the milk, and a stock boy comes over. We have the following conversation:

"Can I help you?"
"Do you have any little containers of whole milk? I can't find it."
"....Are you being for real?"

Then I remember I'm dressed like a cat. HAHAHAHAHA.  Halloween is funny.


yrautca said…
I love chips but hardly ever get to eat them these days because of my health regimen. My fantasy is to one day load up on beer and cheese and nothing else and spend all day on the couch. I will never do it though. The dumplings sound tasty though.
yrautca said…
I meant to say beer and chips, not cheese, although cheese would be awesome too.
Busy Bee Suz said…

We love the pickle chips here as well...so good and salty.

You and Linds have the love of pickles in common. I have had to stop purchasing the Wickles Pickles for her. (I am a mean mom) She could eat an entire jar in a few days...and they are uber costly!!!
Maybe for Christmas I will get her an entire case of them???

That soup looks amazing...gotta try it.
Have a great weekend.
Technodoll said…

i'll bet that stock boy is still telling that story to his friends, too! :-D

awesome stuff.

*hat off*

ps: that soup made me drool like a teething baby

pps: dill pickle chips are THE BOMB!!
Tracey Axnick said…
That soup looks fabulous!

I have a daughter who LOVES pickles... and drinks the juice too!! (I can't stand them... )

Happy Halloween!
Stacy Q said…
Bwwahhh aha ha ha ha!

I can just imagine this!!! It's my new favorite Halloween story!

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