Hot FedEx Delivery Drivers

Why are all FedEx delivery drivers so hot? For reals, I don't think I've ever seen one that's not. I can't decide if it's their actual looks or just that I really, really like getting packages.

I take that back, it must be their looks. In my office job I had before I went to China, we had deliveries from both FedEx and UPS at least once a day, and they had to walk past our department on the way to the mailroom. So of course we took the opportunity to rate them against each other. FedEx always won! This is sad for us, but it was a little highlight of our day to see a FedEx guy in the building. So cute. (Although, I didn't always like the work he brought me.)

Then again, I might just have a thing for delivery guys. My freshman year of college I worked on campus and our campus mail delivery guy was really cute. His name was Chad, from Kentucky. The non-student, male staff in the department heard me and my fellow student worker Holly talking about him all the time, so one day they cornered Chad when he was dropping off our mail: "You see that girl over there, with the long hair? She's cute, right? You should ask her out." I was mortified, but we did go out on a date. I had to keep asking him to repeat himself, his accent was sooo strong. But thanks, meddling coworkers!

(Yes, I got a Fedex delivery this morning. Yes, he was hot. Yes, I was dressed when I answered the door, but I had to think about it... JUST KIDDING!)


Matt said…
Should've made the tags for this post be:

mail, male
myself said…
Ahem. I know this for reasons I'm not allowed to disclose :O

Anyway, they are very picky about who they hire, cleanliness/neatness etc etc, they have rules about appearance, no facial hair etc.

Which other courier co's do not.

That's why they tend to be hot!
liz said…
When I was younger, I worked in an office where we had a hot fed ex guy. He had the best butt. One day we asked him to turn around for us, and he did!

Love ya
Busy Bee Suz said…
YOU are so funny.
Fed ex came yesterday. The guy (decent looking) called me from our gate...I walked out and he had a SMALL box, he handed it to me.
I was shocked. I told him: 2 years ago a fed ex delivery guy THREW my DYSON vacuum cleaner OVER the gate. And here you are HANDING me a small box.
He said: mam, that was not me, I NEVER throw boxes.
Instantly, he was cuter. :)
Great post.

Oh, and ps.
About 6 years ago, a UPS guy ran over my gate keypad controller.

I have issues with both of them I suppose. :)
Ileana said…
You bad, bad girl! ;)

I know what you mean about delivery guys. They were the highlight of my days once upon a time when I had an office job. I can't believe you dated one you met through meddling co-workers! That's a great story.
yrautca said…
Really? All the fedex people in chicago look like zombies.
Technodoll said…
Admit, you shop online just to get packages delivered every day :-D

OK fine, well, that's what I would do.

he he.
I love a man in uniform also!! When we first got married Tobe was a security guard (hilarious, I know) at the outlet mall and I loved him in his uniform. He would never let me take his pic though.

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