Sexy Pantyhose Lines, Non-Sexy Cleavage

I saw this picture on the internet and laughed out loud, because over the past year or so in Chongqing the trend has become for girls to wear control top pantyhose under their teeny-tiny shorts, so that the line of the control top shows below the line of the shorts. To them, this is very sexy and provocative. To us, it was a fashion faux pas! But if the picture is any indication, maybe it'll catch on here too?

I've mentioned this before, but having bare legs is a little bit of a taboo in the city where I lived-- you can wear shorts and skirts with a 1/2 inch inseam, no problem, just don't have bare legs. And always wear high heels. In Chongqing, women literally wear high heeled shoes even when climbing mountains. It never stopped amazing me.

It was always interesting to me the cultural differences in what is provocative in China vs. America. Probably the biggest other difference I noticed was cleavage: sexy and shown off in America, not so much in my city. My students believe that if you had large breasts, it was because they got touched a lot; ergo, if you have a big chest, it's something to be hidden and ashamed of. But showing your legs and butt (in tights) is okay.

Of course, most Chinese girls in my city had great legs! If I had their legs, I'd be tempted to wear 1/2 inch inseam clothing too!


Busy Bee Suz said…
The pantyhose deal is ridiculous. How can that be sexy????
Hopefully, I won't eat those words next year if it catches on and I buy some. :)
Big boobs mean they have been touched a lot?
Uh oh...someone is in trouble.
Anonymous said…
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
yrautca said…
In Excel that would be a circular reference vis a vis touching large boob makes them larger which makes people want to touch them and on and on....
The Bingham's said…
I certainly hope that is not a new trend. Sometimes I just don't get fashion trends.
pantyhose45 said…
that picture is not the best look. too much of the control top is showing. It would look better if about an inch was showing. I love women who wear Pantyhose, so if that look caught on I would say YES YES YES...
Technodoll said…
Uh, girl, I've seen you in short skirts and you have the BEST legs in town!! Seriously have you looked in the mirror lately! Sheesh!

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