Shanghai Pictures, Plus When The Care Bears Go Too Far

I found some pictures from Shanghai I never posted, thought some of you might enjoy seeing them. They are all cell phone pics, though, so not super high quality.

A hot water dispenser, very common in China. The Chinese characters say 'caution scalding', meaning scalding water, but the English 'care bear!'?? I can't even call this Chinglish or a mistranslation, this is just a joke someone played, right?

British style telephone booth, a cultural relic of the British occupation of Shanghai I assume. I was amazed how clean and empty the sidewalks of Shanghai were, compared to Chongqing:

An apartment courtyard; this picture makes me so homesick:

Little places to grab a cup of afternoon tea or coffee.

An aquarium in the pedestrian tunnel. I remember thinking how fancy Shanghai is compared to Chongqing, based on the underground tunnels alone. Wouldn't it be cool if your job was to take care of pedestrian tunnel aquariums?

In contrast, this is what I saw most nights on the sidewalk outside my gate in Chongqing. My taxi pulled up to this:


Ileana said…
I love the photos, especially the one of the outdoor cafe/tea shop. We have one of those British-type phone booths on Lincoln Rd. (Miami Beach) and it cheers me up every time I walk by it. Makes me homesick for London.

PS - What scalding hot water has to do with care bears we'll never know! Weird, huh?
Stacy Q said…
Are those egg shells in the last picture? Did you live above a restaurant? Who uses that many eggs?
Rebecca Foster said…
Yes, those are egg shells. It was garbage from a street food vendor. This picture was taken about 3 AM.
Technodoll said…
Oh that aquarium shot is ay-may-zing! you'd never see something like that here... it would be smashed and vandalized within a day :-/

The garbage on the street, wow that could be Montreal! LOL
Busy Bee Suz said…
Ewwww....I can only imagine the smell from those eggs.
Care bear? Crazy.
Shanghai looks amazing!!!

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